Tuesday, July 26, 2011

All About the Dogs

I really need some new doggy accessories!!  :)  I found another cool contest for a carrier. 

This site not only has carriers, it has clothes, harnesses, collars...

Here is a link to the giveaway:

Here is a link to Trendy Puppy:

Have Fun!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Andie's Day in the Hospital

Yay.  Another fun filled day at the E.R.  I have to admit, we haven't had an ER visit in a while!  Lots of InstaCare and Triage, but not E.R.

My girl trying not to cry.

Overall, it was a crappy day with no answers, just more questions, worry, and stress.

Thanks to the doctors, nurses, and staff at Davis Hospital.  It was fun.  Even after we had to come back inside for clean-up!

P.S. I stole a pen from your reception area...  :D

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer 2011

My friend Carla is right!  There are not any recent posts with pics of my pups.  :)  Here are just a few things we have been doing this summer:

Camping in Sheep Creek. Zipper was such a good boy!

During the day, the boys hunted mice, squirrels, birds, and baby rabbits.

Zipper on the prowl for more mice!

Baby bunnies the girls rescued from Scooter's hunt.

Scooter is sad the girls saved the bunnies.

Zipper & his favorite camping pastime: sitting by the fire in a chair.

Scoot LOVES his marshmellows!
Scoob loves to chew all mice...
I Love my ratties!

King of the remote

King of Beaver Lake


This is the coolest dog ever!